QLD Communities continue to speak up
Everyday Queenslanders continue to speak up about the government's excessive coal Royalty Taxes and the effect it's having on regional communities. Their request is simple: For government and industry to work together to achieve a compromise because regional QLD cannot afford the world's highest coal Royalty Taxes. -
Everyday Queenslanders have their say
Everyday Queenslanders are now getting the chance to have their say about the damage being done to their communities by the world's highest coal royalty taxes. These are everyday people from all parts regional Queensland who rely on a strong and confident resources sector to help their small businesses thrive... -
If you hurt QLD resources, you hurt QLD's future.
Queensland has one of the best resources industries in the world. For generations it has paid billions of dollars in taxes and royalties, helping pay for schools, hospitals, emergency services and major infrastructure projects. All of which have helped make Queensland prosperous and the envy of many other states. Given... -
The economists were right.
Leading economists warned the State Government that raising royalty taxes - without warning - would cost Queensland future Investment and Jobs. And they were right. Already, more than $2 billion dollars of much-needed Queensland investment has been cancelled*1 at a cost of more than 2,000 Queensland jobs*2.... -
$2bn investment pulled as a result of royalty tax hike
The Australian newspaper reported on Thursday that Glencore had pulled the plug on a $2bn investment in Queensland. Glencore was forced to make this decision 'in the face of the state’s royalty increases and the federal government’s industrial relations changes'. In what can only be described as a major blow to the Queensland... -
Qld Govt makes serious miscalculation in Royalty tax hike
New figures in the mid-year Budget update confirm the Queensland Government has significantly underestimated the impact of its decision to lift the coal royalty tax rate. Far from the Treasurer's claim that the new coal royalty scheme would generate an extra $765m in 2022-23, new forecasts released in the budget... -
Queensland royalty tax is now 5 x that of NSW
According to independent consultancy Commodity Insights, the Qld governments' royalty increase means it is now 5 x the rate of NSW. This has significant implications for Queensland investment, projects (particularly those in renewables and clean energy) and jobs. We have already seen vital Queensland projects either shelved, put on hold... -
‘Extreme royalty’ changes a growing threat to Qld resources investment
Comments from another major resources company again highlight the growing threat to investment and jobs in the sector in Queensland from the state government’s royalty tax hike. QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane says Peabody Energy has joined the list of major resources companies calling on the Queensland Government to reconsider... -
QRC calls out Treasurer for underplaying resources’ contribution to Qld's bottom line
The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has called out Treasurer Cameron Dick for failing to acknowledge that the lion’s share of the state’s improved financial position is from the almost $5 billion extra received over budget forecasts through coal company royalty taxes under the previous royalty regime in 2021/22. QRC Chief... -
Budget confirms Queensland resources sector delivering for the nation
The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) says tonight’s federal budget has again confirmed how important the sector is to Australia’s economic future. QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said continuing international demand for Queensland’s coal, gas and metals is the major contributor to Australia’s record terms of trade. “For every three months... -
Royalty Tax review should be next: Qld Resources Council
The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) today called on the Palaszczuk Government to review its decision to increase state coal royalty taxes to the highest rates in the world, in the wake of a period of tax increases based on no consultation by the government. Mr Macfarlane said the shelving by...